How to Fix Peel and Stick Wallpaper Errors

How to Fix Peel and Stick Wallpaper Errors

When it comes to working with peel and stick wallpaper, errors and issues can sometimes arise. It's important to know how to address these errors effectively to achieve a flawless and professional-looking result. In this article, we will explore the significance of knowing how to fix errors when working with peel and stick wallpaper and provide practical solutions to common problems that may arise during the installation process.

So, whether you're dealing with air bubbles, peeling wallpaper, or other issues, let's dive into the solutions and techniques to address these common peel and stick wallpaper errors.

Misalignment and crooked installation

One of the common errors that can occur when working with removable wallpaper is misalignment or a crooked installation. If you find that your wallpaper is not aligning properly or appears crooked, don't worry, there are solutions to fix this issue.

Carefully remove the misaligned piece: Start by gently peeling back the misaligned piece of wallpaper. Take your time and be cautious not to tear or damage the wallpaper.

Reposition the wallpaper: Once the misaligned piece is removed, realign it correctly with the adjacent piece or the desired position on the wall. Use a level or straight edge to ensure that the wallpaper is perfectly straight and aligned.

Smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles: As you reposition the wallpaper, be mindful of any wrinkles or air bubbles that may form. To fix this, use a plastic smoothing tool or a clean, soft cloth. Starting from the center of the wallpaper, gently smooth outwards to eliminate any imperfections.

Air bubbles or wrinkles

Air bubbles or wrinkles can sometimes occur during the installation of peel and stick wallpaper. Fortunately, there are techniques to address this issue and achieve a smooth, bubble-free finish.

Gently lift the affected area: Start by carefully lifting the wallpaper at the edge of the bubble or wrinkle. Use a plastic smoothing tool or your fingers to lift the wallpaper without causing any damage.

Smooth out the bubble or wrinkle: Once the wallpaper is lifted, gently press down on the bubble or wrinkle and smooth it out using a plastic smoothing tool or a clean, soft cloth. Apply even pressure to ensure that the wallpaper adheres smoothly to the wall.

Apply heat if necessary: If the bubble or wrinkle persists, apply heat using a hairdryer on a low heat setting. Move the hairdryer back and forth over the affected area, heating the wallpaper for a few seconds. This will soften the adhesive, allowing you to smooth out the bubble or wrinkle more effectively.

Poor adhesion or peeling corners

If you notice that your self adhesive wallpaper is not sticking properly or that corners are peeling, it's important to address this issue promptly to ensure a long-lasting installation.

Clean the wall surface: Before re-sticking the wallpaper, ensure that the wall surface is clean and free from dust, dirt, or grease. Use a mild detergent and warm water to gently clean the area, then allow it to dry completely before proceeding.

Apply heat to the peeling corner: Use a hairdryer on a low heat setting to warm the peeling corner of the wallpaper. Apply heat evenly and for a few seconds to soften the adhesive.

Press firmly and use a plastic smoothing tool: Once the corner is heated, press it firmly against the wall using a plastic smoothing tool or your fingers. Apply even pressure to ensure good adhesion. Work from the center of the corner outwards, smoothing the wallpaper as you go.

Damaged wallpaper or tears

If your peel & stick wallpaper has become damaged or torn during the installation process, it's essential to address this issue to maintain a visually appealing finish.

Trim off the damaged section: Carefully trim off the damaged or torn section of the wallpaper using a sharp utility knife or scissors. Ensure that the cut is straight and clean.

Replace with a new piece: Measure and cut a new piece of wallpaper that matches the removed section. Make sure the pattern or design aligns with the surrounding wallpaper.

Smooth out the edges and ensure proper alignment: Carefully place the new piece of wallpaper in the removed area, ensuring proper alignment with the surrounding wallpaper. Use a plastic smoothing tool or a clean, soft cloth to smooth out the edges and blend the new piece seamlessly.

Uneven or visible seams

Uneven or visible seams can detract from the overall appearance of your peel and stick wallpaper installation. Luckily, there are techniques to address this issue and achieve a seamless look.

Trim the excess wallpaper: Start by trimming the excess wallpaper along the seam using a sharp utility knife or scissors. Make a clean, straight cut to create a precise seam.

Press the seam together: Use a plastic smoothing tool to press the seam together firmly, starting from the center and moving outward. Apply even pressure to ensure a tight bond between the wallpaper pieces.

Apply heat and smooth out the seam: To ensure a smooth and seamless finish, use a hairdryer on a low heat setting to apply heat along the seam. Gently smooth the wallpaper with a plastic smoothing tool or a clean, soft cloth, working from the center of the seam towards the edges.

So, roll up your sleeves, fix those errors, and create stunning spaces with peel and stick wallpaper, backed by the expertise and quality offered by CostaCover. Enjoy the journey of turning your walls into beautiful works of art.


How do you fix peel and stick wallpaper that won't stick?

  1. Clean the wall surface and ensure it is smooth and dry.
  2. Apply heat to the wallpaper and wall using a hairdryer or heat gun.
  3. Press and smooth the wallpaper firmly against the wall.
  4. Use a plastic smoothing tool or cloth to eliminate air pockets or bubbles.
  5. Consider using additional adhesive designed for peel and stick wallpaper if needed.

Why doesn't my Peel and Stick wallpaper line up?

Peel and Stick wallpaper may not line up properly due to factors such as insufficient measuring and planning, uneven wall surfaces, improper handling during installation, difficulties with pattern matching, or stretching/warping of the wallpaper.

How do you fix peeling paper?

To fix peeling removable wallpaper, you can apply a wallpaper adhesive or reposition the wallpaper by gently lifting the peeling section and pressing it firmly against the wall. Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles, and allow sufficient time for the adhesive to dry and set.

 How do I make sure my peel and stick wallpaper is straight?

  1. Start with a clean and smooth wall surface.
  2. Use a level or a straight edge to draw a vertical guideline on the wall.
  3. Align the first panel of wallpaper with the guideline, ensuring it is perfectly straight.
  4. Slowly peel off the backing and press the wallpaper onto the wall, smoothing it out as you go.
  5. Use a plastic smoothing tool or a clean, soft cloth to remove any air bubbles and ensure proper adhesion.
  6. Repeat the process for each subsequent panel, aligning them carefully with the previous panel and keeping them straight along the guideline.